
An apocalyptic event, brought about by climate change, has destroyed Planet Earth. It is left shrouded by a giant ash cloud that leaves the world in virtual darkness and brings with it a sickness that wipes out almost all the species on the planet except for a few groups of human survivors. Whilst this lifeless dystopia is no longer hospitable to humans, it’s the perfect environment for a primitive alien life form that has begun colonisation. With little sensory capability apart from that of smell they hunt the only food source left…HUMANS.

The central story is of a father and his autistic son who try and mend their broken relationship and stay alive against all the odds. Along with a few other survivors they are forced to wear ramshackle isolation suits made out of spare parts and car airbags in order to contain their scent and avoid detection by the alien creatures. But in this bleak new world of fear and loneliness without any sign of hope or future, they must face their own demons and ask the question, “Who is the real monster?”